January 2006
Richard Holmes - Pawnee Grassland's birds and plants.
February 2006
J.R. Schnelzer - The Wave and Photoshop. Special topic: Close-up.
March 2006
Champion - Icebergs and Glaciers in SE Alaska. Special topic: Automotive/Transportation.
April 2006
Charlie Anderson - Galapagos. Special topic: Circles.
May 2006
Bill Rich - Crystals. Special topic: Architecture (including details).
June 2006
Special topic: Junk.
July 2006
meeting due to photographers hiking, searching for flowers, chasing butterflies and capturing the best of summer.
August 2006
No meeting due to photographers hiking, searching
for flowers, chasing butterflies and capturing the best of summer.
September 2006
Dohrmann - Boulder's Favorite Places. Special topic: Botanical.
October 2006
Mark S. Johnson - Digital Capture and Photoshop. Special topic: Dreamscape (can be single
or multiple image, and/or
November 2006
Special topic: Back-lit.
December 2006
Annual Competition